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English Bibles

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Note: At this time, we are only able to ship to Canadian addresses.

We rely 100% on fundraising for the Bibles we give away. We do this through partnerships with churches, ministries, businesses and individuals who have a desire to reach people with the most powerful tool we have. The Bible. Your donation today will help put bibles in the hands of people that wouldn't otherwise have one.

Life Recovery

Full Bible - NLT

The Life Recovery Bible points to God himself as the primary source of recovery. Millions of people who have struggled with addiction have been helped by this Bible. New articles provide a fresh perspective on recovery. Help for leaders is provided in a general facilitator’s guide and a step-by-step meeting guide. These offer help to anyone starting or running recovery groups at church or in the community. Features: New inspirational PrefaceArticle: A Word about AddictionsArticle: An Early History of Life RecoveryArticle: Thriving in a Secular Recovery GroupArticle: Life-Giving Recovery Groups in the ChurchLife Recovery Facilitator’s GuideStep-by-Step Life Recovery Meeting GuideThe 12 Christian Foundations of Life RecoveryThe 12 Self-Evident Truths of Life RecoveryResources page, directing readers to helpful books and online resources.

* Designed for those going through addiction recovery
* Personal size
* Goes through the 12 steps all from a Christ centres perspective
* Fill with helps, questions and answers
* Leads people in to a life with Christ as their centre.
* Size 6”x8”

Old Book

The suggested donation dollar amounts on each bible reflects only reflects what we pay to have them printed. The suggested donation is not what is owed per bible, but rather to inform you what it costs Give the Word to give them away. 


Give the Word donates bibles to Churches, ministries and individuals for outreach and evangelism. We work with each each ministry or church on a case by case basis. We encourage ministries to cover our cost (or a portion of our cost) to help offset the bibles that we donate to ministries and missionaries who are not able to purchase or afford bibles. 

Ministries who donates over and above our cost will have those funds directed to our general Bible funds to be used in making the bible FREE to those in need of resources. 

Do You Support Give The Word?

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Do you need a Bible?

Request one for FREE!

Have our Bibles helped you?

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Give the Word is a ministry of Equipping Christian Workers Society.


Registered Charity # 88954 0738 RR0001


PO Box 35064, Winnipeg MB, R2K 4J9

Winnipeg warehouse: 204 803 5773

Steinbach warehouse: 204 226 2931

Our Mission Statement

Give the Word exists to:

1. Serve and to partner with ministries churches, missionaries and believers, providing them with Bibles and resources for outreach and evangelism. 

2. Make Jesus known. There is no other tool better suited to reflect our need for Jesus, for salvation, than the Bible. It's literally an invitation to the FREE,  greatest gift known to humanity.

3. Make the Bible FREE, available and accessible to people and ministries across Canada in need of Bibles and outreach resources to be able to carry out the great commission.


Simply put, we Give The Word. 

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© Give The Word 2020

Website by Doug Rempel

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