About Us
Simply put, we give the word!
We raise funds to equip ministry work in Canada with Bibles/New testaments that are geared for outreach and missions. We distribute both English and Spanish outreach Bibles.
With an average of 20,000 Bibles going out every year, we do accept donations for the Bibles we give away. We also raise funds to provide Bibles to the ministries who are not able to make donations to cover the cost which is about 70% of our ministry.
We would love to partner with you.
Contact Give the Word regarding your outreach plan and we will be on contact with you about providing your ministry with Bibles as our support and supply allows. If you are able to make a donation for the Bibles you receive, this helps us to be able to freely give to the ministries not able to make donations.
General Bible Request
Please fill out the request form below. With each request we want to best understand your specific needs to offer the ideal resource solution. Requests are reviewed and approved on a case by case basis. Once your order form has been submitted, we will contact you with your order confirmation details.
Note: Please understand that although the Bibles that we provide are always free, there are times that we may not be able to provide the entire amount of Bibles being requested. We donate Bibles based the amount of requests coming in at the time, our available inventory and the funding we have in place to restock our supply.
Bibles are only available for order to Canadian addresses at this time.

All of our warehoused Bibles are the NLT (New Living Translation) version. These are the Bibles that we fundraise for to purchase 10,000 of at a time to have in stock at all times.
We have access to ALL versions of the Bible and almost all Bible types. Should your Ministry choose or require other versions, just let us know what you are after and we will find out our cost to get them to you. All we ask for special order Bibles items is that you cover our cost. Should you choose to give over and above our cost, those funds will go towards providing Bibles for free for ministries in need.