About Us
Simply put, we give the word!
We raise funds to equip ministry work in Canada with Bibles/New testaments that are geared for outreach and missions. We distribute both English and Spanish outreach Bibles.
With an average of 20,000 Bibles going out every year, we do accept donations for the Bibles we give away. We also raise funds to provide Bibles to the ministries who are not able to make donations to cover the cost which is about 70% of our ministry.
We would love to partner with you.
Contact Give the Word regarding your outreach plan and we will be on contact with you about providing your ministry with Bibles as our support and supply allows. If you are able to make a donation for the Bibles you receive, this helps us to be able to freely give to the ministries not able to make donations.
Our Mission
Equipping Canada for outreach, with Bibles designed for outreach.

Equipping churches, ministries and individuals for outreach with Bibles designed for outreach.

Evangelism is one thing we are ALL called to do as believers. For all of those who want to step out of their comfort zone, we will provide you with Bibles. Whether it's one at a time, or an entire church community effort. See the Make Him Known project for details.

We encourage all believers to share their faith using the most powerful tool we have as Christians, the living and powerful Word of God...The Bible. We do this through Church presentations, sermons, video testimonies and personal stories and experiences.

Engaging Churches, ministries and individuals to fulfill the Great Commission. It's an uncomfortable conversation for many, but it's necessary if we are going to win people for Christ.

We know how important outreach is in making the gospel known. That’s why we actively engage in ministry wherever we are. A random act of kindness can go a long way in starting a conversation about faith and offering someone a Bible. Outreach is a part of what we do at Give the Word.